light and plant growth

Plants need light as light is required by the plants to prepare the food which is essential for their survival and growth. This process is called photosynthesis — a long word, but it’s a crucial one! Plants take in light through their leaves and convert that light into energy. This energy is also what makes plants able to grow and flourish. If plants do not receive enough light, they will not be able to grow properly and they will eventually die. So, light is like the food of plants!

Plants make their food through photosynthesis. It's a special reaction that requires three things: light, water, and air. Plants absorb sunlight, as well as ground water and air-borne carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. The light provides the energy needed for the process to occur. Plants cannot make the food without the light; that is why they will not live. This is exactly why it is important for plants to get sufficient light each day.

The Importance of Light in Photosynthesis

Various plants require varying amounts of light for proper growth. For example, some plants such as sunflowers or tomatoes (light Dianococcus plants) require lots of light to grow, while some plants such as ferns or mushrooms (light independent plants) can grow in low light. The optimal amount of light also depends on the season and how much natural sunlight exists in the environment where the plants are growing. In fact, most plants require a minimum of 6 sunlight hours a day to remain healthy, while some will require even more and it could vary from plant to plant, and typically when they are young and growing, anywhere from even 12 hours.

Why choose lucius light and plant growth?

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